< 20 kmph


Here are some stats about the trip, just for fun. Let me know if there are some interesting stats you want to hear about. All numbers listed are approximate.

Approximate distance cycled: 18600 km (≈ 11560 miles)
How long was the trip: 62 weeks
Number of punctures: 15
Number of chains used: 3
Number of destroyed kickstands: 2
Longest time without a shower: 8 days
Countries visited: 5
Longest time without internet: 12 days
Furthest south reached: 50.8° S
Furthest north reached: 2.2° S
Furthest distance travelled (while on the bike) without pedalling: 40 km (≈ 25 miles)
Highest point reached: 5190m (≈ 17000 ft)
Furthest cycled in one day: 280 km(≈ 174 miles)