[Updated July 2024]
Added a new Gallery and link up top with some pictures of recent two week holiday/bike touring adventure in Scotland.[Updated and redesigned July 2020]
My name is Oli and this is a website about a bicycle trip. In 2019, I spent most of the year travelling through South America by bike. I started in January 2019 and finished in March 2020.
On this website you can see many pictures in the gallery, a map of my route and a few words which I have written recalling various experiences.
Slideshow with music
The slide show below consists of some of my favourite photos from the trip set to some peaceful music. Hope you enjoy!
Why lt20kmph?
What a weird name for a website about a bike ride? Well... not really. lt20kmph stands for 'less than 20 kilometres per hour'. This is why travelling by bike is so much fun! Very rarely do you go faster than 20kmph so you see and feel everything.
About the website?
Well I was inspired to make it after many people told me they enjoyed hearing storeys and looking at photos about my trip. During my trip I was posting updates to this website, mainly photos. Since coming back to the UK I have been learning more about web design and so I decided to redesign this site into its present form. The original version can be found here.
At some point I might get around to rewriting or adding more to the written accounts. The written accounts probably contain many typos and grammatical errors since it was written on the road (sometimes in an incredible rush) with minimal editing.
The main content of this site is in the gallery, I have an enormous quality of pictures and as you may expect it is quite hard to decide which ones to display. The quality and quantity of photos is much higher in the latter part of the trip. This is due to two reasons, the first one is that I didn't have the website to begin with and so the pictures were chosen in retrospect. The second reason is that about half way through the trip I was kindly donated a vastly superior camera via some connections of my brother, so I owe him many thanks for making this possible.
It is possible to leave me comments in the gallery, I look forward to reading your comments if you decide to leave them! Many thanks to Mike Lock for leaving many insightful comments about the flora and fauna appearing in some of my photos.
If you want to contact me for any reason, I accept emails to lostoli [at] gmail dot com.
If you are planning on your own adventure, especially if you are going to be in South America you might find these resources useful I certainly did!
- Andes by BikeBy the Pikes on Bikes, lots of useful route info and general information about bicycle travel in South America. The website seems down as of July 2020, hopefully it comes back up at some point!
- Bikepacking.comLots of useful route information. Some of the routes can be a bit on the extreme side for your average bicycle tourist but many are possible on a standard touring bike, I followed many of these routes through Peru.
- iOverlanderThis is very nice app featuring lots of useful information about places to stay (places to put your tent) and things to see on the road.
- Open Street MapWonderful maps, mostly very accurate (although sometimes I encountered issues) and you probably won't get lost using these.
- Iohan Gueorguiev AKA The bike wanderer, if you need inspiration this is for you. It is a fantastic series of Youtube videos documenting Iohan's journey from Alaska to Patagonia by bike, kayak and foot. The quality of the videos in the later episodes rivals anything produced by the BBC or Netflix and Iohan's love of nature and attitude towards travel is inspiring and infectious.